Below is a list of all Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities members. View individual profiles of our members – with publication and contact information, research and/or clinical specialties, and more – via the links below.
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Kalainov, David M
Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Lagu, Tara
Adjunct Lecturer, Medicine (Hospital Medicine), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)
Lane, Christopher
Professor Emeritus of English
Description of Interests
The rhetoric of bioethics; biotechnology and the new neuroscience; anxiety and the anxiety disorders; the history of psychiatry; literature and medicine past and present
Lane, Jerome C
Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Nephrology)
Li, Dennis H
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry), Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science)
Macapagal, Kathryn
Associate Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Implementation Science), Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Metcalf-Doetsch, William N
Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery
Michelson, Kelly N
Professor, Pediatrics (Critical Care)
Miller, Emily S
Adjunct Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine)
Moran, Maureen B
Assistant Professor, Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology)